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Saturday, February 1, 2014


No, that isn't the word for the year.

But anyone that is around me much might think so.  As it "seriously" is a great word for the every "days" in my life.  The word "seriously". 

As this week has progressed it has become evident that my days are very complicated for me. 

Do you ever just have one of those days, or ....weeks.....or months?

You know the ones?   Where everything breaks, or no one can get along, or things just aren't right?
Or, you finally have to say "it can only get better, because it can't get much worse"!

Well, after prayerful consideration and some creative jewelry work......


my word for the year is simplify!

Again, if you know me very well and have been to my home, that is a HUGE word for me as I am continually struggling to home, my activities and involvement in things, and my...BRAIN.  Ugggggg!

But the next step in this process of picking a word is to.....

pray on it.  Give it to God.  Find a scripture that I can relate it to.

I thought that would be halfway the easy part.

Seriously...ya just google it!

R.I.G.H.T.  ....not easy.  Googling it and finding one that is "year WORTHY"....right! (that's me being sarcastic)  Again the pressure of a "scripture". 

So now is when I have to share what has been helpful.  It's a book.  And I HATE to read.  But I dusted off this book I've had on my nightstand for a couple years to find the "perfect" scripture.

"100 ways to Simplify your Life" by Joyce Meyer

SERIOUSLY (yes it was the runner up for the word of the year).

This morning that book was going to give me the answer for the scripture to go with my word.

Well the problem was I couldn't pick one.....HA! So many, many great ones!

So I will keep you posted on what I end up with.

But I'm leaving you today with I will be working on physical clutter in my home today...

Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring (in fierce hunger) seeking someone to seize upon and devour.
1 Peter 5:8

"Your body is the baggage you must carry through life.  The more excess baggage, the shorter the trip." -Arnold H. Glasgow (taken from the Joyce Meyer book)

And as I read Chapter 15 of Joyce's book...she talks about the gardener referencing Isaiah 18:5....The "sucker branches" that suck and never add to the value of a tree that we need to trim off so later on the tree becomes more attractive.  Where is your excess?  Is it the physical excess in your home? The mental excess due to over commitments?  Relationship issues possibly because of excessive talk in turn needing to listen more??

I have trouble in all the above areas...but for today....I will work on one...

My start to SIMPLIFY.

Many blessings to you, as you work through your week of challenges.  And remember, as I remind myself...we are NOT alone!

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