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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Big news.....Big....HUGE!!!

The news?...well I will get to that,
 but first....
Have you really stopped to think about that.......
you know....the word
Big, as an adjective, is defined (on the web) as
 "of considerable size, extent, or intensity" or "of considerable importance or seriousness".

 When did you last hear that word?  What was it describing?
Some people have BIG feet!
A big nose!
How about big ears?  
No matter how quiet I can speak, one of my little chicks seems to hear ALL I say. 
Mostly when I don't want her to. 
In the '80's I remember having BIG hair!  Hee Hee! (That's dating me!)
Oh and I can't forget my BIG drink!  LOVE the Sonic route 44 tea...extra ice! yum!
And I did have a BIG weekend
as I was honored to be a part of the grand opening at the most adorable shop around
"The Cottage Collective".
 (In Kechi, KS...incase you were wondering.)


But does BIG mean better??
Maybe that depends on what we are talking about. 
Lets talk candles.  
 I'm sure you have your favorite scents and brands. 
My guess it is from somewhere BIG.  Like a big store, or a big name brand.
 My new LOVE ...big? it should be!...Have you heard of Poema Creations Candles and body care products? 
They are handcrafted with the most natural ingredients.  
My new friend Missy creates each item with lots of love.
  No big store, and no big semi to haul the products. 
 So I don't think that bigger is always better. 
(Oh and she is at the cute cottage store too! )
All the "BIG" talk reminds me of the other day... 
 seeing my kids' hearts hurting 
because of some kids around them that think they are BIG...
thinking they have considerable importance! 
You know the type....don't you??
And it is a tough lesson to learn.  
As I try to explain, it doesn't get much easier to deal with those kind of people
even as they grow older.
THE BIG NEWS or maybe I should say "reminder" is that
 GOD is BIG.
And God can give me a BIG heart
 as life isn't about how BIG I am or how BIG my barn is....
because God is BIGGER!
I will have succeeded as a mom if I can teach my chicks
 it is about how BIG their hearts are for others....
(not how big their house is or how big their business is).
One last thought I had to share (not knowing who to give credit to) but worth remembering....
"people may not remember exactly what you did or what you said (or how big you are)
but they will always remember HOW you made them FEEL."
It is our daily goal here on the farm and at our barn
to put on a BIG smile and have a BIG heart.
Because God is BIGGER!


  1. Mary you ROCK!!!! Your stuff and your Barn is amazing!! I am SO blessed and thankful to be able to call you my friend! So proud of you sister!

  2. came to you by way of abbe. i'm a fellow miss mustard seed's milk paint retailer in alabama. you have filled my heart today with sunshine :) trying to bring more God into my business to touch others lives. your above post has touched me where i needed to be touched today! have a blessed day
    the french market
    huntsville, alabama
